Ænared son of Fengeld


He from an early age, dreamed of the deeds of the great knights of ancient times.

Every day he escaped from the fields, going to the taverns to hear the ancient legends, learning them all by heart.

Every time he was discovered, his father scolded him and brought him home, tried to make him understand that war was not beautiful, and it was not glorious; only years later did he understand what his father meant.

One day the father was summoned by Béohere to return to Eored, times of war were approaching.

On 25 February 3019 TE died, together with Théodred and Béohere during the First Battle of the Fords of Isen.

Only when Béoræd, son of Béohere, brought back his father’s sword and helmet, did he understand, but still decided to join the men of Béoræd, to be able to participate personally in the story that was taking place.

It is by the fire, where Lord Béoræd and his men sit, not one of his ablest knights, but when he begins to tell one of the stories they are all silent and dreaming, remembering what they are fighting for.

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