Éoulf son of Ulfald


éo (“horse”) + ulf (“wulf”)

He is a young and skilled ranger with a bright green coat. For generations, a devoted servant of the Mark along with his father before him.

The family owned a large estate in Eastfalda, where they trained horses for the Éored of Aldburg, of which he himself was a member as a patroller/ranger in the service of Lord Beoraed.

His life was closely linked to wolves, which he used to guard the territory from evil intentions.

This bond with wolves allowed him to understand the meaning of their howls, so much so that some thought he was able to speak to them.

For his skills on horseback and in combat, he was selected as a member of the Marshal’s company.

His motto is: “Howling is the warning, blood is only the consequence.

Photo by @Matteo Matteoli

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