Yrre son of Cnud


yrre (“anger ,rage”, “fury”)


A horseman from the Brown Lands? Unusual. Not many folks live in those lands. What is his name?”

“Yrre, son of Cnud.”

“Never heard of him… what do we know about him?”

“Not much, my lord. He is of few words, but from what I’ve seen he seems to be a determined lad.”

“In which éored has he served?”

“Apart from ours, he has never served in any éored.”

“I understand. He is a lonely warrior then… Einar perhaps suits him better as a name.”

“I think Yrre suits him perfectly, sir; he doesn’t strike as a merry fellow—but it’s funny, for I’ve heard him call his horse Einar. If I may, they make a fine match, those two. Shady both, but they get along very well.”

“Better so. We’ll need every able man and horse in this war. Personal stories… will only count at the end.”

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